Twinkle Toes Babies
Is an unstructured, baby focused session focusing on babies development at each babies own pace. Using a variety of materials grouped to allow heuristic development to occur. Creating connections at a base level between the materials they experience and their interactions, from the smallest movements of a new born to our beginning movers who can crawl or toddle to make their own choices of activity.
Weekly sessions
Gioco Party and Play 9.30-10.30 £4
St Francis of Assis, City Rd, Pemberton 1.30-3pm
Check via Facebook for holiday session availability, or call/text 07941160580
Is an unstructured, baby focused session focusing on babies development at each babies own pace. Using a variety of materials grouped to allow heuristic development to occur. Creating connections at a base level between the materials they experience and their interactions, from the smallest movements of a new born to our beginning movers who can crawl or toddle to make their own choices of activity.
Weekly sessions
Gioco Party and Play 9.30-10.30 £4
St Francis of Assis, City Rd, Pemberton 1.30-3pm
Check via Facebook for holiday session availability, or call/text 07941160580